Discussion guide for TAs, professors, and instructors
This sample guide highlights some of the common responsibilities for graduate TAs. This can be a useful starting point for discussion between TAs and professors/instructors. This can be helpful for:
- Talking about responsibilities/expectations of TAs.
- Sharing these expectations with your advisor.
- Weekly hours and attendance
- X hours per week expected?
- What to do if workload increases above X?
- Attendance at lectures? (all, some)
- Class preparation
- Set up required before class?
- Proctor exams?
- Responsibility for creating exams or problem sets?
- Administrative
- Keep class attendance?
- Maintain grade book?
- Manage online info (Stellar)?
- Prepare class materials (handouts, projectors, etc)?
- Grading
- Responsibility for grading exams, homework, projects?
- How will grading standards be explained (rubrics)?
- Will instructors review TA’s grading before returning work to students?
- Timeline for grading and returning work?
- How to handle student grading complaints?
- Teaching and office hours
- Is TA expected to lecture?
- Will TA receive feedback on performance?
- Will TA review lecture plans with faculty prior to lecture?
- Is TA expected to hold review sessions before exams?
- Will TAs hold office hours? How often? Where?
- Expectations for what to do during office hours?
- Working with student issues
- What kinds of issues need to be reported to instructors?
- Policy for late assignments, extensions, absences?
- How to communicate candid course feedback from students back to instructors?
- TA teams
- Will all the TAs meet regularly?
- Is there a “lead” TA? What is their role?
- How to distribute workload and communicate throughout semester?
- Communication and feedback
- How often and in what form will we touch base? (in person, email, regular meetings?)
- How do you best receive feedback (both professors and TAs)?
- Schedule for feedback? (once a term, midterm, 3x per term, as needed?)
- What to do if a problem comes up during the course?
- Wrap up
- Any requirements at the end of the course?
- Expectations for passing on documentation?