May 6, 2016 by refs
Conflict management training: August 2016
Conflict Management@MIT will host a three-tiered Conflict Management Training for two weeks in August, starting on August 1st. Training sessions will be Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-12:30 pm. The Refs have all taken this training and highly recommend it!
- Tier 1: 16 hours (4 days), focusing on personal conflict management styles and strategies.
- Tier 2: 32 hours total (8 days total), including Tier 1 and also building up skills for negotiation and coaching.
- Tier 3: 40 hours total (12 days total), including Tier 2 and also training attendees in mediation. Refs are required to have this level of training.
All tiers are open to the MIT community. There is no charge for current students.
Applications are due by May 27.
You can find the application here.